Mental Wellness, spirituality

Oneness (a Pantheistic Poem)

From the radiant blossom of a hibiscus

To the preciousness of a child drinking life-sustaining liquid

From the contentment of a sunbathed bird

To the blissful twirl of coffee on my tongue

From the “hello” of a so-called stranger

To a gust of soothing warmth on a late May’s night

From the sensation of my breath

To your gravity’s tender pull of yearned unity

To you, my reverence

My gratitude

My dear Earth

From the elements, I come

To the elements, I will remain

I am the dirt

I am the trees

I am the manifestation of electromagnetic potential

I am meant to be

As are you

As is our interdependence to each other

To the oceans

To the mountains

And the Cosmos

Life, while deceivingly irrelevant

An essential piece of space-time

An inseparable piece of the Cosmic dance

Ever evolving

Until the final star sighs her last photon

At which, we rest

Existing in near nothingness

Yet complete wholeness

Genuine peace

Unwavering oneness


Hope you enjoyed my free-verse poem. Rarely does my desire to write overlap with my emotions and willingness to do so — which is why my posts are so sporadic. If you’re curious to hear about my ever-evolving spiritual journey, I plan to write a series to posts later this summer. Stay tuned!

panthiest poem oneness